Sunday, August 17, 2008



.we plan and allah plans indeed allah is the best of planners
.that is all i really need. that trait so rare. you see me in ways i need to see myself. of course you have more to offer.
.my love it is easy to please me. i desire want love yearn for you.
.*kisses your eyes.
.i know. for you. you lift me up. you remind me to be the best possible human being that allah wants me to be.
.be strong for me my love. my perceived harshness with you is never intended. i'll never want to be harsh with you. sometimes i'm misunderstood too. i too am strong and fragile at the same time
.i love you dearly dear beloved love.. my love envelopes you for your comfort and warmth
.dear love light of my heart apple of my eyes honey to my lips

aug 15 i love you dearly dear love. the past is past. i'll never flare up at you. i want nothing more from you than to accept my love in my own love language and to accept me in all the ways i am. just as you'd want me to do same for you.

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